Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Improvise

I read a wonderful story today about a family who in the past had fallen on hard times.  The story goes that when this man was young, his family like many struggled to make ends meet.  A single mom trying to provide for her children, but with such love that she always found a way to make happy memories for her children.  During the Christmas Season, it was all they could do to afford anything dealing with Christmas, so mom would drive out to the desert and pick out a large sage brush, bring it home and decorate it in place of buying a Christmas tree.  Upon hearing this, I though, "wow, what an awesome idea."  Well I have to say, I will not be doing this due to sage brush allergies, plus, I already have a nice fake tree.....but I imagine that a sage brush would look beautiful  all decked out.  This is a wonderful idea for an improvise project.  If you are creative enough, there are many fun and wonderful ideas that a person could do to make a wonderful make shift Christmas tree...and for those who can't afford a real Christmas tree and have children....remember, all it takes is love and creativity to make wonderful Christmas memories that your children will cherish for a life time.  With that being said....My Christmas Tree Improvise is called Cat Tree. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving chickens you may think it crazy, but I served my chickens turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.  Each one had a roll with cranberry sauce and turkey.  You may be like the rest of my family and think I am crazy for feeding my chickens turkey......but they did gobble it right up (no pun intended).  I also have to post that one of my newest chickens, Ester the Easter Egger, laid her first egg today.  It was a beautiful green egg about the size of a large egg from the store.  Was it a coincidence that she laid an egg after eating her turkey dinner?  I choose to think that maybe the turkey boosted her protein intake and bata bing.....she popped out an egg.  Either way....I am all smiles!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to get your hen running

Today's blog entry is going to short, but entertaining.  You know your hen loves you when she comes running when you call her.  Okay.....I am sure that the bread helps, but it still makes you feel loved when you walk out your back door and you are greeted by a sprinting chicken.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chicken Harness

Improvising a harness for a chicken is an inexpensive task.  Most of us have the usual items required laying around the house.   The chicken harness that I improvised was made out of several common items.  Item #1:  Plastic grocery bags-  (This one is dedicated to Hailey, Idaho)  #2:  Packaging or scotch tape  #3:  Plastic rings that hold bottled drinks together (bird kryptonite)  #4:  Purse strap.  Okay, Okay....this is a spoof design.....but it works.  Total time this project takes is approximately 10 minutes.
Using items 1 & 3  I connected them together using tape.  The pictures should show you the basic thought process I used.  The last important item used was the purse strap.  This is what I used to connect the rings on the back of the harness.  It also acts as the leash.
Total cost on this project:  $0

Enjoy!  ;) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Taking care of a naughty hen

Sometimes it is necessary to separate the naughty hen from the group.  My improvise for the day:  bunny hutch solitary confinement.  I should mention, I am trying to introduce two new hens into the mix.  Ms. Prissy, as I like to call her, not only finds it necessary to bully the new hens (pecking order), but is also misbehaving in other ways....such as running away from home.  Not that the neighbor minds, but between Ms. Prissy and I, we both know that she has never had issues with this before.  I have decided to put Ms. Prissy in the bunny hutch for a brief cool down period this afternoon.  

Mother Hen

Improvising is a necessity.  Through this blog, I hope to share some of my day to day challenges that I am learning to improvise through.  I am not a professional, I repeat, I am not a professional.  I am  a stay-at-home mom who tends to be some what of a tight wad.....although my husband says I am frugal.  Also, I will be inserting my some of my own interests and opinions along the way....because....hey, I'm like that.  Feel free to follow me through this blog...some of my adventures may interest you or help to spring board some of your own ideas.